Tuesday, July 10, 2012

"Then, 'Don't eat yellow snow', Now, 'Don't swim in brown water.'"....


                  One of the nice things about snow in Minnesota is you can see your yard clearly.  It's like the special CSI flashlights, everything shows up.  We frequently had; deer, rabbit, fox, and sometimes even bear tracks around the yard every morning.  In college, thankfully, it helped you avoid the spots outside the dorm where someone, "tossed their cookies", the night before, and everyone knows, "Don't eat the yellow snow." 

                  Down in the Tropics we have clear blue-green waters that, much like snow, shows everything.  It's amazing that you can see clearly down 20 feet to the shells and grass on the bottom.  Of course it's also great for viewing sea life, and watching out for sharks.

                   A few weeks ago we were relaxing on deck thinking about jumping in, when off in the distance we noticed a large brown cloud floating towards us.  All morning we wondered what the heck it was as it slowly made it's way closer, and closer to the boat.  I think the smell hit us first, calcified poo has a very distinct, and no more pleasant, smell than regular sewer poo.  That was bad enough, but we didn't realise just how big the cloud really was!  It was like the brown Blob engulfing the entire boat, and surrounding area, in smelly, slow moving, floating sewage! I don't know if it was a cruise ship dumping, or a local sewage line breaking, but it was definitely not from a small boat.  Ever since that day we have been extra thankful for the clear waters, and very picky about where we swim, it's safe to say we don't swim in brown water.

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