I'm taking a break from Sailing stories to tell a favorite of the trip down from Minnesota. Both of us are big Johnny Cash fans, and decided to see his infamous house, the one from the movie, Walk the Line, in Hendersonville Tenn. In true form we got lost in Nashville, and arrived in Hendersonville shortly before midnight. We Googled the area and drove around the lake where we the house should be for about an hour with no luck. So we went back to the "main drag", and found an open gas station to ask directions.
Boy did we get an ear-full by the attendant. Johnny's grandson had worked at that station at one point, and had gone to high school with the only other customer..etc.., but more importantly we were on the right road all along. As the story goes; one of the Bee Gees had bought the home shortly after Johnny's death, and was going to turn it into an amusement park. During renovations it "mysteriously" burnt down, causing rumors of drugs and insurance fraud. We were a bit downhearted until he said, "Johnny's grave is just up the road, first graveyard you'll see on the way back to Nashville." What the hell we thought.
We drove a short distance up the road to the graveyard, and as instructed looked for a large headstone saying "Cash". We found many civil war graves, and some graves so old you couldn't even read the names. After awhile it was getting really late, and yeah it was spooky, really spooky. Even the cats were getting freaked out, so we gave up, and headed back to Nashville. In a way we were jinxed for the rest of trip, Looking for Johnny was the only time we searched a graveyard, but we have yet to see a famous home in daylight.
Hey! An adventure is an adventure, and THAT search was definitely an adventure! Plus, it's funny so you'll always remember it. :P