When it got cloudy this morning I quickly did some light housework, then curled up in bed with a laptop. A few hours later I emerged, bleary eyed, to sunshine, and had a "Minnesota Moment". I thought, "Oh my god, summers almost half over, I have to enjoy this warm weather before the cold months!"
Living in Minnesota for most of my thirty-something years, I frequently get thrown off by the lack of change in seasons down here. There have been many Minnesota Moments, "It's almost Christmas! No way the grass is still green." I still think when it rains, it's going to be an on and off all day cloudy event, not just a quick thunder-a-thon. If not for Facebook birthday reminders, apparently a lot of my fiends are summer babies, I wouldn't know it was July. I often wonder if it'd be the same not having a M-F/9-5 job in Minnesota. Would you wake up one day and say "What snow on the ground, wasn't it just the Fourth of July?" Of course knowing Minnesota weather, the possibility of snow in July isn't too far fetched!
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