Once again it was time to get the hitch out of our get-a-long, and move, we had places to go and plans with friends. We couldn't have planned a more perfect sailing day weather wise. It should have been an easy trip too, just pull up the anchors, and sail ten miles North. At least that was the plan.....
Our first hurdle was pulling up the anchors. Most boats have a motor that does that, not us it's all raw muscle, and I'm glad my man has muscles! Normally it's no problem, but our big gun, a 75 lb Brittany anchor with 80 feet of 1/2 inch steel chain, was dung in good thanks to some strong storms. To sum it up, a 14 ton boat in full throttle could not pull that bitch Brit Brit out! Two hours later, and one sweaty tired man, we finally got her on the deck. And away we....didn't go.
We went about 100 feet, and than the motor had a power hiccup. So we pulled what I like to call a, "Millennium Falcon moment". I quickly bungied the jib, then ran down into the engine room to switch the motor to the other battery bank. That it worked for about three minutes than the steering went out, and we lost power. So we did emergency move number two, throw an anchor. Trouble shooting time; transmission fluid-check, battery power-check. Technically we could go without power, and just use the sails, but we'd still need the steering. Just as I volunteered to jump in, to check if there was something blocking our prop or rudder, two large Bull Sharks showed up.
The average man has a testosterone rate of 60, the average Bull Shark has a rate of 700, jumping in was not an option. "Damn Bull Sharks are going to make us late for dinner!", is a phrase I never thought I'd say. We looked at each other for a split second before simultaneously saying let's radio Chad. Chad is a friend who spends his day cruising around with his twin 250 horsepower outboards towing people. Two hours later we were tying up to Chads boat exchanging shark stories, and a short time later pulled out of the harbor. My guy went bellow deck for a well deserved nap while I manned the radio, and enjoyed ride. In a short time I was waking him to drop anchor in our new, temporary, home early for dinner.